{"id":2939,"date":"2023-03-12T14:37:46","date_gmt":"2023-03-12T13:37:46","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/www.soccerapostle.com\/?p=2939"},"modified":"2023-03-12T14:37:46","modified_gmt":"2023-03-12T13:37:46","slug":"is-neymar-injured-rn","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/www.soccerapostle.com\/is-neymar-injured-rn\/","title":{"rendered":"Is neymar injured rn?"},"content":{"rendered":"

No, Neymar is not injured right now.<\/p>\n

No, Neymar is not injured as of right now.<\/p>\n

Why was Neymar sent off today? <\/h2>\n

It’s a shame that Neymar’s first match back from the World Cup ended in a red card due to diving. It’s a reminder that even the best players can make mistakes and that sometimes the rules of the game can be frustrating. Hopefully Neymar can learn from this and come back even stronger next time.<\/p>\n

Neymar sprained his right ankle in his side’s opening World Cup match – a 2-0 win over Serbia – on Thursday, Lasmar had already confirmed last night in a post-game press conference.<\/p>\n